Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Why Take L.E. Vega Seriously - She Ain't Goin' Away!

Photo of a Plate of Raw Vegan Lasagna that Will Warm You Up - Photo by L.E. Vega

Recently, L.E. Vega has, through the information that she disseminated regarding "Gaslighting", come in contact with hundreds of people from Spanish speaking countries.  Thus, L.E. Vega has come to realize how immense the Spanish speaking market is. Such being said, L.E. Vega, equipped with the leadership capabilities to inform Latinos, threatens the many agendas in place for decades to take advantage of many Latin Americans.

When L.E. Vega lived in Hollywood, she began to adopt a vegetarian lifestyle that she already knew as a teenager.  Some individuals in Hollywood of diverse ideologies who participate in the world's agendas to keep people uninformed, branded L.E. Vega as a "commi".

Consequently, L.E. Vega, who at the time was a college graduate trying to establish herself professionally, was thrown into the "Agenda Coliseum", and inevitably launched her determined path to serve while remaining both peaceful and truthful.

At age three, L.E. Vega used to teach herself how to play the piano. At age ten, she was offered an opportunity to study with Carlota Alfaro, one of Puerto Rico's finest fashion designers.

What her grandfather, a well-known politician, entrepreneur, and composer of classical music, did not know was that L.E. Vega's mother was not fit to be a parent.  L.E. Vega's mother fooled her own well-known father, and to put it briefly, like Michaelangelo Buonarroti, L.E. Vega is a true survivor of "Gaslighting", and is highly intelligent and possesses integrity, and not at all a "commi". So, people, whether Puerto Ricans, or of any other ethnicity, should not fall for such tricks to divide us.

To give you an idea about L.E. Vega's mother, her mother's staged disambiguation, her second husband was very ill, which caused him to fall unconscious at a relatively young age. It is very probably that L.E. Vega's mother, to keep it concisely, fooled her second husband, too, making the man critically ill in a way that seemed unexpected and odd.

L.E. Vega is blessed with the leadership to guide other Hispanics, and other people in the United States and around the world.

Like her well-known grandfather, anotgher vegetarian, L.E. Vega continues to learn about health. One of the true facts that she stumbled upon was the fact that Dr. Cornelius Rhoads, circa 1930, injected Puerto Rican and Italian Americans with cancer, adding that those two groups deserved it.

Maybe other Americans dismissed his crimes, and failed to correct him, which was a mistake because now we have clones of Dr. Cornelius Rhoads around the world who in many ways, want people to be in obscurity and believe the lies that the healthcare industry in general feeds us.

It was the Puerto Rican lawyer. Pedro Albizu Campos, who at the time confronted Dr. Rhoads, an act of generosity which would have benefited, not only Puerto Ricans and Italians, but all Americans.

Please note that Mr. Albizu Campos was later a target of cancer experiments himself because he was a threat to people with harming agendas like Dr. Cornelius.

In other blogs, L.E. Vega has made the observation that oddly enough, Mr. Albizu, who was an eager follower of Mahatma Gandhi at Harvard, later organized a group to assassinate President Truman. The blogs referred to do not make excuses for the group's violence.

However, L.E. Vega presents evidence in other blogs that Mr. Albizu was brainwashed by some individuals in the U.S. Government who just stage trouble because if Mr. Albizu had stuck to his Gandhi path, Puerto Rico today would be an independent nation, which would have spoiled the agendas to profit through the healthcare industry, or the sugar cane industry, or the real estate industry, since after all, some greedy individuals, including some Puerto Ricans, regard Puerto Rico as a valuable piece of Real Estate.

People, why do you think that we have Obama Care today?  Honestly, it might have been Romney Care, too, or Gingrich Care, with all due respect.  People, the answer is because of the agendas put in place by people like Dr. Rhoads decades ago.

L.E. Vega does not dictate to people what to do, or what to eat, and she can only suggest alternatives.

L.E. Vega's Raw Lasagna recipe is a combination of many wonderful recipes shared by excellent raw vegan chefs in the United States.


                                                L.E. Vega's original concept and twist:

                        There are raw vegan recipes that are warm, 
that unlike any other cooked dish, 
Warm up your body, contrary to popular belief.
Here, posted is a picture of my raw lasagna. 
The taste of raw tomato sauce is very rich,
and very warm and satisfying, even on a stormy winter day.

                                                             Copyright©2015 L.E. Vega

Many people are afraid to eat raw vegan food in the winter, thinking that the raw food will not warm them up. On the other hand, they drink iced Coke all year around. Of course, nothing against Coke, as long as you know that it may not be the best beverage for you.

The raw vegan lasagna is a warm recipe. It will warm you up. L.E. Vega makes her raw lasagna with layers of zucchini pasta, spinach, tomato slices, raw tomato sauce, and pesto sauce. It is a way to stay away from wheat, which is one of the worst things that you can put in your body.

Ironically, some Americans reckon that it may be unpatriotic to question matters about education, or healthcare, for example. Therefore, they may regard L.E. Vega as Anti-American, in their "trapped minds". In reality, though, although L.E. Vega is not trying to be a Patriot, she really is more Patriotic than many Americans claiming to be. It is Patriotic to think outside the box in order to guide and inform people about issues such as nutrition.

Moreover, "a healthy diet is the reality"; it clears one's mind to unleash our talents, and to be able to comprehend ourselves as well as those people and events around us. Hence, please understand, even if your choices are different, that L.E. Vega's mind is free!

Some Literary Works by L.E. Vega


Links to Essays / Blogs by L.E. Vega

Global Events


Puerto Rico

Health and Nutrition

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